Blair Gun - “Man of the Hour”
Photo: sittinginthegrass
San Diego-based Blair Gun have just released their third single, “Man of the Hour,” and it is a good old meat-and-two-veg post-punk banger.
“Man of the Hour” is a song that showcases Blair Gun’s ability to create a powerful and engaging sound with two guitars, a bass, and drums. There is no fancy glitz or modern ear candy to distract your listening experience. The constant low riffing guitar licks drive the song forward with a sense of urgency. They only play chords as a supporting role in building the mood in the short breaks or over the punky chorus sections. The staccato drums add a sense of intensity to the song, creating an irresistible beat that is impossible to ignore.
The unusual sounds that appear in the odd section of the song add an extra layer of depth and texture. It is hard to describe, but there is a manic feel to it. The quick drum fills break up the constant drive of the song, giving the listener a chance to catch their breath before diving back in. There is a hint, for me, of the Beastie Boys, along with other great acts… the song has sense of nostalgia to the overall sound. The lyrics are filled with humour and mock-braggadocio, adding a light-heartedness to the song. There is one section where it almost sounds like the lead singer is going to start laughing. It’s clear that the band had fun recording this track and it would sound great live.
The video for “Man of the Hour” is worth checking out, too, showing off the band's distinctive tongue-in-cheek anti-establishment flair to make fun of toxic masculinity and cocky swagger. I like these guys.