Bad Flamingo - “I Drink Alone”

Everyone’s favorite mysterious duo Bad Flamingo is back on the blog with their latest dark and gritty slice of mellifluous perfection: “I Drink Alone.”

Like the footsteps of an approaching giant, this one begins with a distant rhythm that gradually fades into the foreground. A somber organ rolls out a blanket of ambiance, melancholic and cinematic as it sets the tone for the entire production. Multiple layers of guitars arrive, utilizing a palette of both electric and acoustic instruments as the tell-tale vocals appear– the unmistakable trademark of any Bad Flamingo tune and the exact reason we became fans in the first place.

Over the course of “I Drink Alone,” listeners shall be enchanted by the slow and steady expansion of the arrangement. A deep bass adds some weight to the track, taking the spotlight on a middle eight that provides a grandiose shift in dynamics. We recommend enjoying this one through headphones, as the myriad of guitar sounds have all been exquisitely panned around the sonic space.

The smokey vocal delivery is joined by sultry veneers of harmonies that provide a rich depth to an already stellar performance. And the hook distributes the melodious warning that while Bad Flamingo will share many things, it is in your best interest not to touch their beverages. And if there’s one thing we’ve deducted from their many appearances on our blog, it is that they are likely packing heat and would most assuredly not shy away from any major saloon brawl.



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