Alexa Louise - “Professional”

Photo by Sabra Binder

The holidays can be rough. Some of us are lucky enough to enjoy a few days off of work, but then there are others who get fired from their jobs and end up flying to Nashville to record an indie diss track. Meet Alexa Louise and her debut single, “Professional,” an homage to “the lure of work crushes, NDAs, and various water-cooler conversations.”

Professional” begins with what we believe to be some workplace foley before quickly deploying the delightfully lo-fi chugging of a gritty guitar. A synth provides our ears with some subtle ambience that swells in the background, helping to enlarge the sonic space and make room for Alexa’s voice. And though the track piqued our interest from the first note, she ultimately won us over with her vocal performance.

Alexa has a voice that will appeal to a plethora of music lovers. Her delivery is reminiscent of Liz Phair and a host of other ‘90s artists, yet it also hits a very modern nail on the head, conjuring the vibes of Phoebe Bridgers and Soccer Mommy. The second half of the first verse welcomes the rhythm section, complete with a moderate beat and some deep bass. And due to the subject matter, “Professional” will provide the perfect soundtrack as you beat the hell out of your steering wheel upon being asked to leave your (former) place of employment.

We’re terribly sorry to hear that she lost her job, but the silver lining here is that Alexa Louise has provided the world with a new indie pop/ rock anthem for getting fired. And Hollywood, if you’re listening, we think that “Professional” would sound great in any film where the main character endures the same. Please keep in mind that you do not need to be jobless in order to enjoy this fine slice of music, and we encourage you to stick around for its intimately stripped-back conclusion.



An interview with ourselves…


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